~ Song Lyrics ~

I like music, I like singing, and I like archiving lots of stuff in one place, so I made this lil lyrics page. I like weird and often very underrated music, but the downside of that is that the lyrics for my favourite songs tend to be difficult to find online, so that's one of the reasons I've put together this page. The other reason is that uploads of songs or albums get taken down all the time because of copyright, and the majority of the lyrics on this page come from comments below YouTube uploads of stuff just like that, so it's also a preservation thing, too, one that might prove more useful in the future.

Anyway, you can see the source for each song's lyrics below the lyrics themselves. (Just scroll down once you click on something!) Most are from comments sections or descriptions on YouTube, though I've also started collecting (mostly Shibuya-Kei) CDs, and sometimes they come with lyrics sheets, so I'll be sure to put those on this page, too!

ENJOY!! (*^▽^*)

(Artist names are listed in alphabetical order)

Cinnamon Toast Crunch

Tiny Little Piece

My teacup, the only thing you gave to me,
It’s always standing in my room, where I hear,
My teacup, the only thing you left to me,
It’s fallen off the table, full of the tea, broken down,

Why, alone I wonder,
I need someone to,
I need someone to,
Need someone to care,
About my favourite cup,

My teacup, still reminds me of you,
It’s everything you’d be since told me how you felt,
I made up, to leave my home and form my own,
‘Cause you have cool one, never never go back anymore,

All alone I wonder,
I have no one to,
I have no one to,
Have no one to care,
About my home decor,

Why, alone I wonder,
I need someone to,
I need someone to,
Need someone to care,
About my favourite cup

Lyrics transcribed by me, so they may not be totally accurate!

Corniche Chamomile

Afternoon In Crank

It was a Sunday,
I walked the alleyway as usually,
I look up in the sky,
There’s some clouds, and it’s leading into bit,
Somewhere close by,

Looking at what’s going in there,
A baker’s favourite place,
Look at the apple pie, you can smell it,
May be burnt,
Shake some cinnamon on it...

I walk into the door,
As always drinking coffee with the milk,
And a bit sugar, too,
Sitting the seat that’s always next to him,
By the window,

He gave me fifty-five pence again,
I’ll buy my favourite sweets,
Get on a subway and go for a shopping,
Here I go,

Look at the clothes I will try in town,
A pair of shoes to go on,
Walking the streets I could hear the piano,
Who is it?
Hear that melody playing...

He gave me fifty-five pence again,
I’ll buy my favourite sweets,
Get on a subway and go for a shopping,
Here I go,

Look at the clothes I will try in town,
A pair of shoes to go on,
This is my day, but it’s just for a sample,
To have fun,


Lyrics transcribed by me, so they may not be totally accurate!


Summer In The Pool

(The lyrics are also identical in the Sonic Coaster Pop cover!)

I see when you are on the water,
I see when you are on the sky,

Let's see a late show,
Summer in the pool,

She's like a bird,
Change my life, summer end, (x6)

I see when you are on the water,
I see when you arе on the sky,

Let's see a late show,
Summеr in the pool,

She's flying free,
Change my life summer end, (x6)

Dream girl, so beautiful thing! (x3)
Dream girl, dream girl,

Change my life, summer end, (x2)
(Dream girl, so beautiful thing!) Change my life, summer end, (x3)
(Dream girl, dream girl) Change my life, summer end

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @LuksFrikiMaster!

Deb/Date Of Birth

Don’t Drag Me Down/Baby Stand

Baby stand.
Why do you come here?
I don't understand.
Why do you hang around?
Baby why...

Under the so many eggs.
Why do you gaze on me?
Oh, baby stand.
No, you don't mean to say.
So, baby stand.

What's the matter?
Why you bluster?
You're just a stranger, oh please don't drag me down.
What's the trouble?
It's on your fable.
And just a trifle.
Don't be misunderstand...

Don't drag me down.
Don't drag me down.

Baby stand.
Why do you will be here?
It's something bad.
Why do you mess around?
Baby why...

You look so mean.
Why do you swallow me?
Oh, baby stand.
No, you don't know what to do.
So, baby stand.

What's the matter?
Why you bluster?
You're just a stranger.
Oh please don't drag me down.
What's the trouble?
It's on your fable.
And just a trifle.
Don't be misunderstand.

What's the matter?
Why you bluster?
You're just a stranger.
Oh please don't drag me down.
What's the trouble?
It's on your fable.
And just a trifle.
Don't be misunderstand.

Don't drag me down.
Don't drag me down.
Don't drag me down.
Don't drag me down.
Don't drag me down.
Don't drag me down.
Don't drag me down.
Don't drag me down…

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of Fa La Le Ra.

The Mold/Au Revoir

There's a man who ever has no name.
Because he's always alone till now.
Until now.
With no name.
Everything he needs are seeds and raise.
Harvest wheat and bake some breads for him.
Until now.
With no name.
Yes indeed,
He lives.
With no name.
And he knows,
The look of the sky.
With no TV news.
In his eyes.
Seems the sight.
His ears sounds the breathe.
Of trees, and streams all he needs.

Long ago, he had a name and wife.
She was everything of the life.
She was mold...

There's a woman who ever fall in love.
Because she's always alone till now.
She's too shy.
She's too shy.
Everything she needs are sun and moon!
She could know with nobody's help.
Day or night.
Day or night.
Yes she did,
She moves.
From the reals.
To the dreames.
Just like butterflies.
Turn around the pinks.
And she knows the means.
Of the cries and the tears.
She said, "I'm always here".
Long ago, she had a love and hus.
He was everything of the life.
He was mold.
She was mold..

He was mold.
She was mold.

He was mold...

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of Fa La Le Ra.

Fa La Le Ra/La Lu La Roo

Nobody hates the scandals on yourself, you know?
How should I know? My goodness! I'm afraid, so long.
So many kind of energies it's called era!
How should I know? My goodness! I'm afraid, so long...

Fa La Le Ra
Fa La Le Ra
So it means "Hello".
Fa La Le Ra
Fa La Le Ra
And it means "Good Bye".

Nobody hates the scandals on yourself, you know?
How should I know? My goodness! I'm afraid, so long.
So many kind of energies it's called era!
How should I know? My goodness! I'm afraid, so long...

Fa La Le Ra
Fa La Le Ra
So it means "Hello".
Fa La Le Ra
Fa La Le Ra
And it means "Good Bye".

Fa La Le Ra
Fa La Le Ra
Fa La Le Ra
Fa La Le Ra
And it means "Good Bye".

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of Fa La Le Ra.

Deb’s Chant/Well Away

Everyone knows it is silly fame and they don't know whoever's slave to fame who is blind everything is turn to black or white maybe you keep crimes.
However, you hide someone.
Yes indeed we need increase of the feel although we want as the same of life someone will born and cry and die, cry and die.
These easy days turn around the world.

I can understand what you see, what you hear, what you feel!
If the dark nights are drawing in.
I can find up easy for you flee, for you sleep, for you dream.
If the world hand in glove with you.
I'm well away.

Well away...

Days begin whatever you don't want the time has changes even future days for the past you don't want tomorrow's come to you, don't you make me feel.
However, you feel so blue.
Yes indeed we need increase of the feel although we want as the same of life someone will born and cry and die, cry and die.
These easy days turn around the world.

I can understand what you see, what you hear, what you feel!
If the dark nights are drawing in.
I can find up easy for you flee, for you sleep, for you dream.
If the world hand in glove with you.
I can understand what you see, what you hear, what you feel.
I can find up easy for you flee, for you sleep, for you dream. I'm well away...

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of Fa La Le Ra.

Freeze Your Love/Free Your Love

Feel so bad I made a misjudgement.
Feel so glad i'll be climbing mountain high...

Do you remember for my love?
Do you remember for my pain?

Bring me back, our memories of the past.
Cry for love when your heart beats high and dry.

Do you remember for my love?
Do you remember for my pain?
Do you remember for my love?
Do you remember for my pain?

I forgot, free your love.

West Virginia.
It's a name of place in love.
Russian roulette, to be silent next you mind.
Bring me back, our memories of the past.
Cry for love when your heart beats high and dry.

Do you remember for my love?
Do you remember for my pain?
Do you remember for my love?
Do you remember for my pain?

I forgot, free your love.

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of Fa La Le Ra.

My Little Girl/James

Walking home tonight.
It came as go surprise.
Certain parties making girl before my eyes.

There's a small cafe.
Ah lovers takes a time.
It's good for rainy days too bad the weather's fine.

My little girl.
My little girl.

What's the story.
True to life are just a lie.
See you later what's so new about, good bye.
There's a meaning place!
In too much dreams in every night.
You might be well to me so I might be well to myself.

My little girl.
My little girl.
How did I something wrong?
My little girl.
My little girl.
How did I something wrong?

Walking home tonight.
It came as go surprise.
Certain parties making girl before my eyes.
There's a small cafe.
Ah lovers takes a time.
It's good for rainy days too bad the weather's fine.

My little girl.
My little girl.
How did I something wrong?
My little girl.
My little girl.
How did I something wrong?
My little girl.
My little girl.
How did I something wrong?

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of Fa La Le Ra.

Anytime of Life/Sign Of The Times

There is the end, because of love.
Here is another.
It's sign of the times.

And I will stay alone all the world.
Nothing forever.
Under the stars.

I must to play beyond all the world.
Here is another.
It's sign of the times.

And I'd delay the growth of our love.
But nothing forever.
Under the stars.

Anytime of life.
Will never care, won't you see want you realize.
Anywise I know.
About the reason, if you wanna close your eyes.

There is the end of the world.
It's sign of the times.
There is the end, because of love.
It's sign of the times.

There is the end, because of love.
Here is another.
It's sign of the times.

And I will stay alone all the world.
Nothing forever.
Under the stars.
Anytime of life.
Will never care, won't you see what you realize.

Anywise I know.
About the reason if you wanna close your eyes.
There is the end, because of love.
Here is another.
It's sign of the times.
There is the end, because of love.
It's sign of the times.
It's sign of the times.
It's sign of the times.

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of Fa La Le Ra.


Que devo fazer? (どうしたらいい?)

Que devo fazer?
o produto defeituoso
Nao encontro a chave
o sermao
o hino religioso
Esta bem assim?
Nao fasa cerimonia


Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics PDF (shared on EeL's Bandcamp), so they are 100% accurate!

Les oeufs sont cuits (卵がゆっくりゆだるように)

C'est a peu pressa
ll est comma sa
pour qui se prend-il?
ll se croit intelligent

Les oeufs sont cuits
lls auront une nouvelle fois besoin de
ce qu'ils manquent le plus:le temps

Les chats noirs portent malheur
une ombre de menchancete
un rien d'ironie
paroles mamorables

Le feu est passe au rouge
La haine fait place a la pitie
Notre principe reste inchange





Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics PDF (shared on EeL's Bandcamp), so they are 100% accurate!

Pascal aurait pense ainsi (パスカルはそう考えた)

mettre un nuage du lait dans le the
coutume qui remonte loin dans le passe

un table couverte de poussiere
ll n voit pas bien de son ciel gouche

mettre un nuage du lait dans le the
Pascal aurait pense ainsi

La haine fait place a la pitie
ll ne voit pas bien de son ciel gouche





Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics PDF (shared on EeL's Bandcamp), so they are 100% accurate!

Je pense a toi chaque jour (あなたを毎日想ってる)

Elle est un peu grosse.
ll est toujours presse.
Elle perd toujours sescles.
ll aperdu patience.

Ja ne me sens pas bien.
eteignez votre cigarette.
Appelle-moi lundi.
Je ne peux pas venir ce soir.

Je nai rien a faire demain.
Je deteste travailler.
Je ne me sens pas tres bien.
Je pense a toi chaque jour.

Allons a la pinscine.
Tues libre ce soir?
Voulez vous aller an restaurant?
N'insiste pas!





Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics PDF (shared on EeL's Bandcamp), so they are 100% accurate!

a chave (鍵)

A aqua nao escoa
A chave nao funciona
Nao encontro a chave
Empreste-me a chave

oubir musicas ler livros
pintar fotografar

assistir a filmes
jogar go fazer trico pescar

a saida de emergencia
a embaixada
o consulado
assistencia em hospital

o padre irma
o hino religioso

o pergo a corda
a lata de lixo depois do almoco
a produto defeituoso

A aqua nao escoa
A chave nao funciona
Nao encontro a chave
Empreste-me a chave

鍵もかからない 鍵すら見つからない

音楽を聴く 本を読む
絵を描く 写真を撮る

映画を観る 碁を打つ
編み物をする 釣りをする

非常口や 大使館
領事館 介護。。。!?

神父様 美しい姉妹や 賛美歌

釘に ロープ ゴミ箱、、、
昼過ぎ 見捨てられた不良品。。。

鍵もかからない 鍵すら見つからない

Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics PDF (shared on EeL's Bandcamp), so they are 100% accurate!

magic to a sweet dream

小さなてのひら 握っていたもの
たくさんあるのに 忘れたの?
走って転んで 泣いても笑っても
答えはひとつに まとめない




急いで走って 階段上っても
下りと同じだ いつまでも
心の怪獣 育ててあげなきゃ
奇跡は起きない いつまでも
今までどおり 幸せ



Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics PDF (shared on EeL's Bandcamp), so they are 100% accurate!

Cherry Pie

You are so cute,cherry pie.
I'm so little pig,milky chai.
You,so a funny fashion!
I'm so delicious sweety pie

Maybe you can try to fly away.
Maybe you will gonna be my boy friend.

Lyrics copied over from a very low-quality image of the original lyrics booklet, so they may not be totally accurate!

Who Can Teach Me?

Hey!I'm a sender girl
He said, 「You can be selfish passion」
Hi!I'm never hear the only he can,she can move the time.

Who said him so,high run away
You make me who can teach me,moving on cat?
You can get it more
let me know,she can get it more

Lyrics copied over from a very low-quality image of the original lyrics booklet, so they may not be totally accurate!



Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!

people people


Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!


you can back
you can back
you got a radio

you came back yesterday
you come back,yes!today

I wanna be with you since 80 times
I'm just a girl, for yourself

Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!

a pimavera (春)

O que voce faz nos feriados?
Assisto a telebvisao,..
lavo roupas e faso limpeza na casa...
leio livros...
vou fazer compras...
escrevo cartas a familia,..
converso com amigos por telefone...

a pimavera
a pimavera
a pimavera
a pimavera


休みの日は何するの ?


Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!



ミニー、それは確かなものかい ?


Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!





Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!

E simples

Pergunte-me, quando nao entender.
Trabalhe comigo.
E simples.
E dificil.
Vou mostrar como se faz.
Fasa como eu faso.
E isso ai.
E muito habilidoso.




Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!

Reality bites


りんご ごりら
らっぱ ぱんだ
だちょう うちゅう


りんご ごりら
らっぱ ぱんだ
だちょう うちゅう

Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!

さあ 前をみて
そう みんな持ってる


大きくずれた視線とか 私はね、、気づいたの



Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!

マルシェ (Marche)

トゥエー ソン ポー シェ
トゥエー ソン ポー トゥア

セスタン プリュ トン イラ パス ドゥ フォ
レ カ ソン パス プリュ メズ パラ ヌ ボン
ジュ プ ピエ ア ボク パ ユヌ ス ティマアン
サ ラ エーヌ ルモンテ リベレ ドゥ アゴーシュ

トゥワエ リスモーア
トゥワエ リスモーア
トゥワエ リスモーア

セス トォン フォン ソン パ

ラ エーヌ フェト プラス ドゥ ア ラ マルシェ
ル フー エスト パッセ オ ア ラ マルシェ


Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!

C'est la vie!









Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!


忘れたことはある ?
見捨てたことはある ?



Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!



Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!


you show,let me show
let me show,give me show

let me show,give me show
you show,let me show

カン違いなんて誰が考えたの ?

you show,let me show
let me show,give me show

Lyrics copied over from the official lyrics booklet with help from Google Lens, so they are (in theory) 100% accurate!


small TALK

Where she is standing,
What she is staring at,
View the people think as,
Perfect circle that men made,

She lifts a latch of her dress closet,
To catch a color flood,
Reminds her memory,
When she was treated as a treasure,

We cannot always say men,
Affirming her independent story,
She has skill to live,

Let her, refine the way to be,
Refine the day, today,
Refine her stream in silence,

Let her go,
Resume unblemished days,
No matter what men say,
She runs into leeway,
Please tell her...

Doing what is expected
Going where's demanded by men,
Meaningless and empty,
Perfect circle that men made,

She may encounter the feeling lonely,
But may not belong,
To easy part of the things,
After all she uncovers submissive world

Lyrics provided in the description of this YouTube video, by user @fleetingmoment1001!


Little Kitchen

おはよう朝だよ 目覚ましベルがなる
wake up わかっちゃいるけれど
まだまだ 超きたくない もすこし

おいしい朝だよ だけど寝ぼうしたの
my favorite shirts 見つからなくて
部屋はめちゃくちゃだし まいるよ

小さなキッチン コーヒーのいいかおり
いつでも思い通りには いかないけど
今日も明日も つづく毎日

黒こげトーストに おとっときのジャム
fried egg 飛んでいって
落ちたところは my trick wonder land

小さなキッチン コーヒーのいいかおり
いつでも思い通りには いかないけど
今日も明日も つづく毎日
外に出て 気づいた 今日はおやすみ 日よう日

Lyrics copied over from the original lyrics booklet, shared by Internet Archive user @zacharonievo, so they should (in theory) be 100% accurate!


うさぎたちの ピクニック
キャベツ畑へ 行こう
長い耳を かくして はねていこう

ハチミツ漬け キャロット くるみパンに チーズ
タンポポの コーヒー 持って行こう

キャベツの お皿の上 サンドイッチ 盛りつけて
食べよう ガブリ

うさぎたちの ピクニック ちょっとグルメ 気どり
いいニオイの 風に はなピクピク 少し得意気

キャベツを 枕にして のんびり 寝ころがって
昼寝しよう 夢をみよう

キャベツの 虫喰い穴 のぞく空 ふわふわ
クリームみたい 白い雲 食べきれない

Lyrics copied over from the original lyrics booklet, shared by Internet Archive user @zacharonievo, so they should (in theory) be 100% accurate!

Rolling Dougnuts Ring

☆1 Give me a doughnuts! Doughnuts enough of eating.

どこでもドーナッツ 山盛りドーナッツ
Everywhere doughnuts, a bowlful of doughnuts.

Where are eating doughnuts? What kind of taste doughnuts?

Eating a bar doughnuts at the doughnuts bar.


☆1 くりかえし

☆2 Please give me a doughnuts wedding ring for me!

A doughnuts ring is rolling on my palm to you.

太 っ た つ て い い 丸くなろう
No hassle if you will grow fat! Be a round body.
太 っ た つ て い い 幸せになろうよ
No hassle if you will grow fat! Be so happy!


☆2 くりかえし

(Note that the Japanese lyrics are translations provided in the booklet, as the song is in English.)

Lyrics copied over from the original lyrics booklet, shared by Internet Archive user @zacharonievo, so they should (in theory) be 100% accurate!

Pasta Party

さあ パスタパーティ はじめよう 気のあう 仲間で
パスタおどる 飛びちる ソース

ラテンでてきとう イタリア気分 ですごそ
秘伝のレシピで 作ろう ソース

Lyrics copied over from the original lyrics booklet, shared by Internet Archive user @zacharonievo, so they should (in theory) be 100% accurate!

Hazel Nuts Chocolate

Kitten's Breaks

Hello! Let be free (x2)

Turn 'round the fountain,
Don't care what we look like,
The clouds are so fluffy,
Today's lovely day!

Turn up my radio,
Listen to Jacksons,
Drinkin' some champagne,
Today's so lovely!

Hello! Let be free (x2)

Pick up red bicycle &
Make up and choose dress,
Say hello to sunshine,
Today's lovely day!

One-up star hiding,
Green and bright flowers,
I step in the (???)
Today's so lovely!

Hello! Let be free (x2)

My stepping shoes know 'bout you,
You are very lovely boy,
But you should (???)
Love is easy to be bored,

Your tiny heart want to know,
Every one take off their clothes, (?)
But you should care 'bout it,
Girls are fickle; you can't get!


Lyrics transcribed by me, referencing the official lyrics sheet, but they may not be totally accurate!

Witches' Party

Witches' party! There's no cupcake
Witches' party! They have bloody-cake
Witches' party! Kiss to the zombie face
Witches' party! Dead body all around!

Go to human hunt!
Eat them from the hair to the bone!!!
Go to human hunt!
Eat them from the hair to the bone!!!

Dead body / Kids fresh / Witches' party (x4)
Zombies / Black cats / Bats are dancing all around (x4)
Pumpkin head get merry with scarecrow (x4)

Witches' party! There's no cupcake
Witches' party! They have bloody-cake
Witches' party! Kiss to the zombie face
Witches' party! Dead body all around!

Go to human hunt!
Eat them from the hair to the bone!!!
Go to human hunt!
Eat them from the hair to the bone!!! (x2)

Pumpkin head get merry with scarecrow (x4)

Witches' party! There's no cupcake
Witches' party! They have bloody-cake
Witches' party! Kiss to the zombie face
Witches' party! Dead body all around! (x3)

Lyrics transcribed by me, referencing the official lyrics sheet, but they may not be totally accurate!

Moon Song

The moon said to me "Hey baby, come on!"
I climb to a big big tree,
But higher, higher far to the moon,
I look up to my beautiful lady,

Moon said to me "Hurry up, come on!"
I climb to a big big building,
But higher, higher far to the moon,
I look up to my beautiful lady,

How far to get touch for beautiful moon,
I want to cheers to her with shiny wine (x2)

The moon said to me "Hey baby, come on!"
I climb to a big big mountain,
But higher, higher far to the moon,
I look up to my beautiful lady,

How far to get touch for beautiful moon,
I want to cheers to her with shiny wine (x4)

How far to get touch for- (x4)
I want to cheers to her- (x3)
Beautiful moon

Lyrics transcribed by me, referencing the official lyrics sheet, but they may not be totally accurate!

Girl Things

Down the street, walk a girl,
With the little dreams,
Little fact, little back,
Happy little girl things,

O-o-o o o, (x2)

All day long, walk a girl,
With the little lips,
Little cracked, little fact,
Every little girl thing,

Down the street, walk a girl,
With the little dreams,
Little fact, little back,
Happy little girl things,

O-o-o o o, (x2)

Hey pretty little girl,
Where are you going?
Shopping or a coffee thing?
Hey pretty little girl,
Tell me what you're thinking,
Money or boys things?

O-o-o o o, (x4)

(Chorus X2)

O-o-o o o, (x13)

Lyrics transcribed by me, referencing the official lyrics sheet, but they may not be totally accurate!

A Troll's Dream

Deep deep night, a blue valley,
Tiny troll's falling asleep,
He's dreaming of fresh green grass,
Smell of flowers, yellow butterfly

Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha--- (x8)

Lyrics transcribed by me, referencing the official lyrics sheet, but they may not be totally accurate!

Melting Holidays

Cherry Wine

Sunday morning I made a scotch egg,
Singin' Jane's "ex-fan des sixties",
Say good morning to sunflowers,
Which gaze to sun for ten thousand hours,

Please, make me smile,
60's sounds, mushroom haired pop stars,
Bright eyed boy was wearing polka-dot shirts,
With cool behavior,
Everything seem to be o.k.,
They will never go to decay,
Recorded by my typewriter of time,
Shinin' on glamorous color,
Hot & sweet as cherry wine


Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Snippy Girl

I can sing all the way, oh baby...

You any time cry and angry,
Hi cutie, you are snippy girl,
I want to see your many smile,
For the time being, listen to the story of my group,
We want to make many wonderful songs from now,
Yeah! Yeah yeah, yeah yeah, oh baby!

I can sing all the way, oh baby,
Dedicate time of little fortune to you,
So that your many smiles may be seen,


Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Biscuit In My Pocket

Du du du du, du du, du du du du,
Biscuit in my pocket,
Du du du du, du du, du du du du,
Cookies in my basket,

Always, I have something sweet in my handbag,
Chocolate and carrot chips,
Du du du,

Coconuts, milk, a pineapple cake,
Peppermint stick candy,
Always, I have many, many sweets,
Maybe, I'm made of sugar, I guess!


Always I have many, many sweets,
Maybe, I'm made of sugar, I guess!

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Dancing Doll

Dancin' girls move like a celluloid,
Dancin' boys move like an android,
We are now half in a dream,
It's an endless space flight,

Da-dancin' girls,dancin' boys,
Can you hear my chime?,
I'm not very good at rhyme,
Woo, don't mind!
Ou la tu dances? Girls & boys!


Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!


Sugarpot and rosehip tea,
Flavoring on a rainy day,
Fall down raindrops,
And I put up pink umbrella,

Try to swing this magical wand,
You can change this town into pink,
There is full of fruity sound,
You have nothing to be surprised,

My cherry-pink lip-balm is fragrance free, (x2)
To look great on the go!


Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Jeux D'enfant

French Lyrics

La premieri enfance
J'al vu le mauvais ange
Il toujour casse l'ntoile
Quand j'avais vu
Quelque chose de nouveau
Dans la shalle de sejour
Sur la plage

Un jeu d'enfant amusant
C'est satanique ou angelique
Ce famule de magie
Je dis ma poupee
Bon-bon bon nuit!

English Translation

When I was very young,
I saw the bad angel,
Destroying a star,
Then I was somewhere new!

I'm not surprised,
I'm in the living room,
Or on the beach,
It's fun child's game!

Is it satanic or angelic?
This family of magic,
I say to my doll,
Good-good-good night!


French lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q, while the English translation is by me, with some help from Google Translate!


La la, sha la la, let's play baby,
Riding on romantic balloon,
To look down our town,

I set the clock to take a walk with my cat,
He has golden eyes like the candle light,
Always he is sleeping, but sometimes,
He changes to a strong catman!


Monotone tabby, brown long tail,
Green neckband,
My cat said to me, "I live in Wondergarden,
Always I'm sleeping but sometimes,
I change to a strong catman!"


One day, certainly,
Catman entered my room,
He said "You'll fall into my Wondergarden!"


Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Strawberry Love Song (Incomplete)

(The second verse was missing from this person's comment, so this is marked as incomplete until I can find out what it was.)

Lyin' the roof and wearing jellybeans dress,
I think, why does my heart is beating,
I wish I'd wear pumps, and buy him flowers,
I bake cakes for him with kiss,

Ah, what I feel is really fine,
Take me to your world,
Already in love, tastes sour & sweet,

Oh, baby I could never feel at unease,
I don't know how to say that,
But it's my love song for you,
Yes, it's true, love song for you,

(Missing Second Verse)


Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Merci, La Vie

French Lyrics

Je lui coupe des cheuveux comme le enfer blanc
J'habite avec mon copin et je suis un enfant
Je ne savais pas qui j'atais amour ces chanson

C'est la vie, merci, C'est la vie, merci,
Je dans soven dans des monsieur
À la vie, merci, A la vie, merci,
Je dances jusqu'a l'usure

Je lui coupe des cheuveux comme le gateau amamdes
J'habite avec mon copin mais je suis jaunne fille
Je ne savais pas qui j'atais amour des garcon

C'est la vie, merci, C'est la vie, merci,
Je dans soven dans des monseiur
À la vie merci, À la vie merci,
Je chantrai jusqu'a l'dormir

Je lui coupe des cheuveux comme le enfer blanc
J'habite avec mon copin mais je suis jaunne fille

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Rainbow, Rainbow

Every night in my wonder dream,
Green butterflies,
Dancing a waltz all over the world,
They built a castle in the air,
Melting the stars,
Give me many happy daydreams,

A fine view of milky way, in the blue sky,
Sixty thousands miles high,

Please tell me how to travel on milky way,
Only I can do is running round,
Rainbow, rainbow,


A fine view of milky way, in the blue sky,
Sixty thousands miles high,

Please tell me how to travel on milky way,
Only I can do is running round,
Rainbow, rainbow,

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Midnight Teatime

Yesterday I sung a love song, romantic love song,
Kind breeze whispers to my ears,
Tra la la,

Gathering a lot of twinkle rings, till the sunrise,
Babypearl in my jewelry box,
Di di du da,

Bright colored hibiscus,
Try to put it in a teacup,

La la baby,
Let's sing a song for fallin' stars,
Under the moonlight,
A magic for my midnight tea time,

When I was walking in a park, find a cosmos,
Don't touch it till I finish,
To count to five,

I'm very happy when you sing a tender love song,
It brings tears to my eyes,

Bright colored hibiscus,
Try to cut it by a teaspoon,

La la baby,
Let's sing a song for fallin' stars,
Under the moonlight,
A magic for my midnight tea time,

Make a many pinky rings tonight,
Never say goodnight to me,
I wanna talk,
With you,

La la baby, Oh my baby,
Let's sing a song for fallin' stars,
Under the moonlight,
A magic for my midnight tea time,
A magic for my midnight...

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

L'ete Va Arriver

Reading a book under a palmtree,
Some sand's in my shoe,
Floating a small boat on the sea,

There is like a strange sugar village,
Tropical fruit wine,
Peach brandy makes me so dizzy,

I give you silver sands,
Pearls of dew and shellcubes,

Il fait beau,
J'ecris beaucoup de catres à mes amis,
A demain,
Le soir passe vite à la campagne,

Reading a book under a palmtree,
Some sand's in my shoe,
Floating a small boat on the sea,

There is like a strange sugar village,
Tropical fruit wine,
Peach brandy makes me so dizzy,

I give you silver sands, Pearls of dew and shellcubes,

Lé soir,
Je fais du camping sous les belles etoiles,
A demain,
La lune monte derriére la montagne, (x2)

Translation Of French Lyrics

"The weather is nice",
I write a lot of sad words to my friends,
"See you tomorrow",
The evening passes quickly in the countryside,

That night,
I go camping under the beautiful stars,
"See you tomorrow",
The moon rises behind the mountain

Original lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q, while the English translation is by me, with some help from Google Translate!

Toygirl Talks

Hello, bambina, tou tou toygirl,
Hi, my name is Anna-toygirl,
Do you have any questions?
Empty house for imagination,

Hey, look around, Anna-toygirl,
No, no, sometimes I say yes,
Do you have any illusions?
Lily on the highest mountain,

This town moved by computer,
You met a toygirl in a station,
"Ciao, bambina!"
Toygirl wanna go for a picnic,
To take you with porcupine,
Yes, whoa-whoa-whoa,
Can't go out, this groovy tune,


Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Monsoon (Incomplete)

(A section was missing from this person's comment, so this is marked as incomplete until I can find out what it was.)

Angelic monsoon,
Not hurricane, or pacific ocean,

Flying on the clock,
Waving season like harmonic,

(Missing section)

It's sensational garden,
Emotion contact,
If I can find you there,
I change to monsoon,
Wet monsoon


Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Holiday In A Totebag

Go out to find something with your totebag,
Last night I polished a yellow bicycle,
Today is a lazy fine day, the sun is shining,
What do you put in a totebag?

Candy, color pencil, cherry lip-balm,
Antique pianica, holiday in a totebag,
Overflow, dreamy something,

Go out to find something with your totebag,
Last night I chose a cotton cardigan,
Today is a lazy rainy day, ra-ra-raindrops,
What do you put in a totebag?

Always, my cat's hiding in my totebag,
Someday he may show me holiday in a totebag,
So I sleep near lovely boy,

Candy, color pencil, cherry lip-balm,
Antique pianica, holiday in a totebag,
Overflow, dreamy something

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!



雨上がりの空 吸い込んだ空気
水たまり避けて 口ずさむメロディ
流れる景色 風に乗って走る自転車
眩しくてふと見上げた 空は隠れてる
坂道を駆け下りた 並木道のその向こうには
今日は特別 虹が出てた
緩い坂駆け上がる 曲がり角のその向こうには
君が待ってる 待ちに待った日曜の午後
石畳の舗道 小刻みに揺られ
涼し気な風が 運ぶベルの音
白い雲が少しずつ 青空に変わる


Ameagari no sora suikonda kūki
pedaru fumikonde
hashiridashita nichiyō no gogo

mizutamari yokete kuchizusamu merodi
nagareru keshiki
kazeninotte hashiru jitensha

mabushikute futo miageta
sora wa kakure teru

sakamichi o kake orita
namikimichi no sono mukō ni wa
itsumo no keshiki
kyō wa tokubetsu niji ga de teta

yurui saka kake agaru
magarikado no sono mukō ni wa
kimi ga matteru
machinimatta nichiyō no gogo

ishidatami no hodō kokizami ni yura re
romen densha no
kidō koete machi no naka e to

suzushigena kaze ga hakobu berunooto
gairoju-goshi ni
sashikonda yawarakana hizashi

shiroi kumo ga sukoshizutsu
aozora ni kawaru

(Chorus x2)

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Kiss Your Shadow

I don't know why I miss you on this rainy day,
It has cleared up, so I called you on the phone,
We met in the town of riverfront,
There is a rose garden,
Your love and dream are like the essence of the rainbow,

I kissed your shadow,
So slowly, you kissed my shadow,
You show me a landscape,
An amazing present for me,
We're still on the riverside,

Before the daybreak I picked the red berries,
As a flavor of love in a blown betty,
We found white flowers which were named,
"Glory of the snow",
Pastel colored flower petals are falling, on the ground,


Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Butterfly Dance (Incomplete)

(The second verse was missing from this person's comment, so this is marked as incomplete until I can find out what it was.)

Sunny day, I had a good time,
Singin' a song together,
Pa ya-Pa ya-Pa Ya Pa Pa Ya,
It's wonderful yeah, butterfly,

(Missing second verse)

I'm feeling as if I were dreamin' now,
I left my heart behind,
Oh, everything will be, it's all right,
If only butterfly dance,

Where did you find that clover?
Oh let me find together,
Pa ya-Pa ya-Pa Ya Pa Pa Ya,
Singing together all day,

I'm feeling as if I were dreamin' now,
I left my heart behind,
Oh everything will be, it's all right,
If only butterfly dance,

Where did you find that clover?
Oh, let me find together,
Pa ya-Pa ya-Pa Ya Pa Pa Ya,
Singing together all day

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Memories Of My Love

To see, and everything I loved,
You make me feel with every smile,
Now I know, you're gonna make me smile,
(You're gonna make me smile)

Thank you, memories of my love,
Good bye, my feeling make me cry,
Now I know you're gonna make me smile,
(You're gonna make me smile)
You're gonna make me smile,
You're gonna make me smile...

Oh I never believe me,
Cause I have never been my style,
But whenever my life makes me cry,
I remind me of the Summer's day yeah,

When I looked in her smile,
And I noticed her face's satisfied,
Just like the sun that I never know,
Now I know it's something must be done, yeah,

To see, and everything I loved,
You make me feel with every smile,
Now I know, you're gonna make me smile,
(You're gonna make me smile)

Thank you, memories of my love,
Good bye, my feeling make me cry,
Now I know, you're gonna make me smile,
(You're gonna make me smile)
You're gonna make me smile,
You're gonna make me smile...

Oh I never believe me,
Cause I have never been my style,
But whenever my life makes me cry,
I remind me of the Summer's day yeah,

When I looked in her smile,
And I noticed her face's satisfied,
Just like the sun that I never know,
Now I know it's something must be done, yeah,


Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

Northern Express




Mafuyu no hieta tetsuro
mado no soto wa yukigeshiki de
hashiru kisha no naka de futo yume o mite ita

kimi wa itsu demo atatakana egao de mimamotte kure teta
ima wa yumenonakade

afureru namida ga tomaranai no wa
setsuna-sa ni tae kirenaikara janakute
mabushi sugirukara

jikan no nagare no naka de itsunohika
kasumu omoide to issho ni namida to sayonara

hirogaru shiroi daichi
ashiato nokoshite aruita
yuki ga mitai dake de kita na mo shiranaimachi

tebukuro-goshi ni tsutawaru atataka-sa
hanasanaide hoshī nukumori dake ga nokoru

afureru namida ga tomaranai no wa
setsuna-sa ni tae kirenaikara janakute
mabushi sugirukara

jikan no nagare no naka de itsunohika
kasumu omoide to issho ni namida to sayonara

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!


Lonely ladybugs hang around your umbrella...

Over the beautiful valley,
Some ladybugs came from nowhere,
I don't know where they came from,
Under the deep blue sky,
Some children will go to somewhere,
Shall we have a milk for your sleepy afternoon?

Yellow roses overflowing,
I put a lily on my tambourine,

Lonely ladybugs hang around your umbrella,
Suddenly, I remember an old sad song,
Lonely ladybugs hang around your umbrella,
(Du du du) It's going to be a fine day tomorrow,
So have a happy day today,


Yellow roses overflowing,
I put a lily on my tambourine,

Lonely ladybugs hang around your umbrella,
Suddenly, I remember an old sad song,
Lonely ladybugs hang around your umbrella,
(Du du du) It's going to be a fine day tomorrow,
So have a happy day today,

Lonely ladybugs hang around your umbrella...

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!

I Can Fly

That is right, I believe I can fly, (I can fly)
I can return a way, even if I lose its way,
That is right, I believe I can fly, (I can fly)
Nothing needs to worry about future life,
Oh oh,
I can fly, (I can fly)

I'm standing on crossroads,
That is branch road of my life,
Invisible to my eyes,
And must be felt by my heart,

Nobody can do consultation,
So unite, focus well,
And let's choose one way,
I will consider it,

Because a relapse is impossible,
But I'm lonely now,
I don't understand,
What I should carry out now,
But I can't cry,


(Repeat Chorus x2)

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @user-gi5vd2vo9q!


Red Car

Oh, my red car
It's my greatest car
I put my heart in a jar
Hope it will get far
But it will not go so far
Just my heart in a jar

Oh, my red guitar
It's my blue star
He like cigars
Always has the smell of tar
I like chocolate bars
Oh, we'll get them at the bar

My heart in a jar,
Hope it can get far (x2)

He likes cigars
I like chocolate bars
They think that is so bizarre
I think the other's so bizarre

My heart in a jar,
Hope it can get far (x4)

Lyrics transcribed by me, so they may not be totally accurate!



I close my eyes a little to,
To the line of cigarettes' smoke,
Wind blows my eye lids and I,
Feel cool and feel the noises,
Its color would be blue bright one,

My only guitar 175,
My left hand held it casually,
A pick on my right hand's thumb,
Flipping the six-strings slowly,
It sounds cool, pick-up front so nice,

Canned beer, let's take and look up full moon,
It's getting now more redish, yeah, yellow moon,
I fall in sulky sleeping,
As usual, I'll do so too,
Tomorrow and next year's today,

It will be fine tomorrow,
But I don't know how would be my mind,
Breathing deeply and out fully,
I take a shower in dim light,
Then all I have to do is sleep,

If those I said would be day dream, and then,
You and me still be together now in purely room,
I fall in sulky sleeping,
As usual, I will do it,
In my dream I could be with you,

Canned beer, let's take and look up full moon,
It's getting now more redish, yeah, yellow moon,
I fall in sulky sleeping,
As usual, I will do it,
In my dream I could be with you...

Lyrics provided in the description of this YouTube video, by user @pentexsucks43!

My Special Sneakers

Please, call me up on a fine day's morning,
Then I make up my mind making coffee,
Taking my favorite shirts and,
Sending some postcards to friends,
She is laughing with my shoes' case,

Hi, she said I put my special sneakers,
It reminds me of living in Highland,
We played together in forest,
We talked each other always,
Sometimes I having full of false cards,

I started to make early lunch,
Even though she was speaking,
Now and still gone,
Between she discarded all cards,
My bicycle 'Anny' reached here,


Lyrics provided in the description of this YouTube video, by user @pentexsucks43!


Till afternoon blue flowers in bloom,
To them give bright blue white water,
Tomato's red spot on my T-shirts,
Beyond the bare foot in a SKY beach,
On a white cloud, has no space time,
It flows but said as much drops,
Into my deep mind I fall over,
When you rise up to blue,

Getting on a bus,
Going out to white square town,
Coming an end of the world,

Meeting at a town, meeting in day dream,
We fly in the blue air and,
Down below my foot she is shining,
We can fly to the moon some day,
Burning to the asses all of the world,
You're laughing, I know I'm feeling,
Before winter has come, we will,
TAKE TO FLY, yeah!!

Getting on a bus,
Going out to white square town,
Coming an end of the world,

Meeting at a town, meeting in day dream,
We fly in the blue air and,
Down below my foot she is shining,
We can fly to the moon some day,
Burning to the asses all of the world,
You're laughing, I know I'm feeling,
Before winter has come, we will,
TAKE TO FLY, yeah!!

Lyrics provided in the description of this YouTube video, by user @pentexsucks43!

Good Night In Dim Light

I threw away pictures,
Then saw clear sunset,
I know where my favorites,
No clouds in the sky,

You will notice lots things,
In everywhere you go,
You can see that moon wane,
And some twinkling stars,

What's the color of mountains?
Many plants bloom in spring,
And the glitter of the sun,
On the water in a day,

Have a smell of season,
Sweet smell on the gentle wind,
And the winter will be here,
Soon with the cold fluffy snow,

Just believe what you can see,
You close eyes to remember me,
And you would know I'm,
With in a bright smile,
Good night in dim light,

I always make strong tea,
As soon as I wake up,
I open the window,
And look up the sky,

By chance you will notice,
That it rains outdoors,
You think for a moment,
Then you'll make breakfast,

That's what you called waste of time,
I will be waiting for the moon,
But all the things I feel,
Have their qualities,

So just believe what you can see,
You close eyes to remember me,
And you would know I'm,
With in a bright smile,
Good night in dim light,

Good night in dim light...

Lyrics provided in the description of this YouTube video, by user @pentexsucks43!

Plus-Tech Squeeze Box


Better than the fake home drama.
But, it's up to you to select anything.
Better than the chic French cinema.
So, do you see what I want to say?

The cartoon starts!
Just, the cartoon starts!
Let's turn the channel at 17!

Much better than the other funny programs.
Welcome to this cartoon world!
Welcome to this cartoon world!

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of CARTOOOM!

Dough-Nuts Town's map

I'm walking along that main street of a town.
I'm very glad (It's a few in fact) hearing sound.
I show this small town.
I show my very dear man.
Then, shall I begin great tour soon?
A prairie can be seen if hill is reached. good grief..
Since it's time, the theme of a town is made to hear it.

*welcome Dough-nut. hello! hello!
You're welcomed.
hey! brother. you're lookin' great!
welcome Dough-nut. hello! main street is in a mess.
Please pass that time of good one if you please in town.

psb game can be played in this place.
[galaxy center!!]
amusement park!
A coaster is too short..
haunted house changes to the house of candy.
that is a future park, the car is flying.

* repeat

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of CARTOOOM!


it's a bad sign when you start teasing me.
you can't stand it!
it's a bad sign.
you cannot but stop excusing yourself.

I got a lunch. You have a stone.
You put the it into my launch.
You have a stone. I got a lunch.
It's a bad sign!

I said
[If I build up monster, can I have a white cat? hey daddy!]
one should never try to look into the future.

I never know what to do!
but my dad said he'd do it!
I can't stand it! you are xxxxx...

* repeat

** repeat

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of CARTOOOM!


She has a beauty face and forced smiles.
The skills are so fine
Heavy makeup and nail polish is the greatest of arms
Behaving like a special queen Nobody suspects
Clever brain and porker face
But watch your step! The luck has gone

So sorry, but I have an insight
All right? don't you late?
5, 4, 3, 2, 1, midnight coming and time is out

Showing the trick, all right?

*You can't stop the collapse, cause you are a deceit in fact
It's the time to confess, cause going to melt away your magic
I can see through that you're riding on the pumpkin coach
Listen! I've gotta catch ya out!!!

Behind a guarded mask, she has an ill
It is the evil soul
Everytime, by any means
She has well done
Pretending that she's very kind
But don't swallow what she said
My keen eyes won't miss her fault
Check your watch it's twelve O'clock

Everyone said she was the one
But it is not right
Go back to your home. Witch is coming to grasp your arms

Showing the trick, all right?


Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of CARTOOOM!



コンタクトとかレンズを磨くと ***********
とりあえずシェイクでヒップ☆ その日冒険がスパークした

step by step!!!
gigantic King Kong(2146)'s fight!
[bomb!] ~irony・・・ギガヘルツ
napalm? strike? of teddy
奇跡とロジック de
go ahead let's space worthy armstrong!

time is running ouuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of CARTOOOM!


Let's spend great time with plus-tech whisky.
To a happy circle of quiet husband and wife.
It's mellow taste, cool touch, lite scent and love.
this is my favorite time of the day.

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of CARTOOOM!


Don't let it get you down.
I'm close to you.
Don't let it get you down.
If you spare me a few minutes,
I can make one of your wishes come true.
You'd better believe it.
Let's speak your mind to me.
I'm next to you.
Speak your heart to me.
If you spare me a few minutes,
I can just make one of your dreams come true.
Come on! Come on! It's show time!

*Let's make merry loud. (one-two)
Make merry loud. (want you)
One million ☆s blink at the air.
Make merry loud (keep on)
Make merry loud (carry on)
Now, it's time to play the groovin' Martin Show!

Open your eyes and feel.
If that is not enough,
Close your eyes and feel.
If you stick to your beliefs,
You can just make all your dreams come true.


Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of CARTOOOM!

Uncle Chicken's drag rag

hang on! Take care! Don't fall!
I was born in Wyoming.
The name is uncle Chicken Cutter.
keep it in your mind.

I fight with a bear just like Davy Crockett.
Speed is gathered just for a moment.
Hang on! Hang on! yeah!

I'm a canon ball.
horse continues running.
Be caught firmly.
I'm turning to and running west.

see that mountain?
Wyatt Earp was hiding.
see that ravine?
It was found in time of gold rush.
cart continues running western free way.
name is uncle Chicken's Cutter super preppy flapper cart!

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of CARTOOOM!


I think I did a pretty good job.
You only escape in a lo-fi lab.

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of CARTOOOM!

Hoky-Poky a.la.mode.

(I was) born in Paris, and grown up in Tokyo
and fallin' love with you in Nevada
every day and night, like the Hoky-Poky lovers
grrrrrrrrrrrlook at me-ao... care me, love me-ao!!!

dance in the moonlight,
I hate freedom-fly,
and hate the cats: "U.S. short hair"

kiss me kiss, in lab,
love me love me, more than bolts,
un homme et une femme.....
what a graceful we are!!!!!
(fuckin' your sock smelling...
what a graceful we are!!!!!)

smell, smell you, meao, smell your disgustin' sock
and fuckin' hair-do is very "puky"
every day and night, you are playing with THE machines...
grrrrrrrrrrrlook at me-ao... care me, love me-ao!!!

Lyrics provided by YouTube user @addude04 in a free download of CARTOOOM!

Rita Rit.


気づかないくらい 愛してる
感じないくらいに 響かせてる
見つめ合おうだけで ぬくもり出す
黙ってるままで 語りかける

強く弱く甘く軽く 恋は宇宙
近く遠く早く有めて 海のよう

描くないくらい 色がある
見つめてるだけて 鍵を開ける

心の中深く探る ほどに浮かぶ
傷も響く痛いだけど せつないから

好きになるだけで 瞳

Lyrics copied over from the original lyrics booklet, shared by YouTube user user @BunnycoreMusicArchives, so they should (in theory) be 100% accurate!

Everything about the Girl

Don't you know I have no friend
No more need just to pretend
'Cause it's now I thought about a thing I never thought about before we met today.

You have a funny nickname
For playing such a foolish game
With a smile, you talk about the girl you really love,
I keep on hearing the words you say

Everything about the Girl! Everything about the Girl!
It turns around my head. I feel so dizzy-lizzy when you're next to me
Everything about the Girl! Everything about the Girl!
I thought you were so lonely and the season saw that we were meant to be.
When I think of you, I feel I fall in love

Don't you know I'm going insane
With a heart that's full of pain
Bitter Sweet, I'm gonna be the one to love you all the way, so I tell you what I am.

Everything about the Girl! Everything about the Girl!
I guess I am so lucky that I'm free to be what I want to be
Everything about the Girl! Everything about the Girl!
We can be so happy if we stick together. Darlin', can't you see?
Now I think of you, I feel I fall in love.

With a smile, you talk about the girl you really love.
Her name is Margarita

Everything about the Girl! Everything about the Girl!
It turns around my head. I feel so dizzy-lizzy when you're next to me
Everything about the Girl! Everything about the Girl!
I thought you were so lonely and the season saw that we were meant to be.
When I think of you, I feel I fall in love

Lyrics copied over from the original lyrics booklet, shared by YouTube user user @BunnycoreMusicArchives, so they should (in theory) be 100% accurate!

Sonic Coaster Pop


NOTE: The lyrics are slightly altered/moved around in the go go EGG Mix by Plus-Tech Squeeze Box, which is featured at the end of Super Miracle Circuit.


光り浴びて泳ぐ 水辺のグラデーション

Good-bye star!
サカナ達も 水達も 輝いてる

いつか この先まで
そっと 手を差し伸べて


いつも見つめていた ずっと

いつか この先まで
そっと 手を差し伸べて


Hikari abite oyogu, mizube no guradeshon,
Sora ni utsuru azayaka na niji wo dakishimete,

Good-bye star!
Sakana tachi mo, mizu tachi mo, kagayaiteru,

Kimi no mo kono sekai ga mieteru no kana,
Kono sora no kanata ni mo yume ha aru kana,
Itsuka, kono saki made,
Sotto, te wo sashinobete,

Kikoeru tooi kioku to fushigi na mediteshon,
Hirogaru hoshi no purizumu ni awasete sasayaku,

Itsumo mitumeteita, zutto,

Kimi ni mo kono sekai ga mieteru no kana,
Kono sora no kanata ni mo yume ha aru kana,
Bokura no omoi nosete hashiru kimochi ha,
Taisetsu na merodi ni kawari hajimeru,
Itsuka, kono saki made,
Sotto, te wo sashinobete

English Translation

Sunbathe and go swimming in the waterside’s gradient,
And hug the bright rainbow reflecting in the sky,

Good-bye star!
All the fish, and all the waters are shining too!

I wonder if you can also see this world,
And if there are dreams beyond this sky,

Someday, and from now onwards,
I’ll gently lend you my hand,

Can you hear the distant memories, and the mysterious meditation?
They’re whispering about gathering the ever expanding star prism,

I’ve been staring at it this whole time,

I wonder if you can also see this world,
And if there are dreams beyond this sky,
These rushing emotions that are riding through our imagination,
Are starting to turn into the melodies we cherish,

Someday, and from now onwards,
I’ll gently lend you my hand

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @pedrononiwa!

Super Speed POP☆STAR


光りのスピードで 未来のステップへ
リズムにのせてホラ 弾ける星より速く
僕の眼差し超えて 広がる惑星から
君に届く 忘れてた僕だけのメロディー

呼吸を合わせて 加速度つけるのさ
足並み揃えて 焦る気持ちおさえて
Let’s see! On the planet

光のスピードで 未来のステップへ
リズムにのせてホラ 弾ける星より速く

呼吸を合わせて 加速度つけるのさ
足並み揃えて 駆け出す気持ちの中
Let’s see! On the planet


Hikari no supido de, mirai no suteppu he,
Rizumu ni nosete hora, hajikeru hoshi yori hayaku,
Boku no manazashi koete, hirogaru wakusei kara,
Kimi ni todoku, wasureteta boku dake no merodi,

Kokyuu wo awasete, kasokudo tukeru no sa,
Kono mama kaze ni makasete,
Ashinami soroete, aseru kimochi osaete,
Kimi wo omoidashitemiru,
Let’s see! On the planet,

Hikari no supido de, mirai no suteppu he,
Rizumu ni nosete hora, hajikeru hoshi yori hayaku,

Kokyuu wo awasete, kasokudo tukeru no sa,
Kono mama kaze ni makasete,
Ashinami soroete, kakedasu kimochi no naka,
Itsumo wasurenai kara ne,
Let’s see! On the planet

English Translation

At the speed of light, stepping into the future,
We’re going along with the rhythm, faster than the bursting stars,
From our expanding planet and beyond our sight,
I’ll let you know the only melody of mine that I’ve been forgetting about,

Breathe along with me, ‘cause we’re about to accelerate,
From now on just leave it up to the winds,
Keep up the pace, and hold back your anxiety,
Let me try to recall you,
Let’s see! On the planet,

At the speed of light, stepping into the future,
We’re going along with the rhythm, faster than the bursting stars,

Breathe along with me, ‘cause we’re about to accelerate,
From now on just leave it up to the winds,
Keep up the pace, from within our feelings about to take off,
Guess I haven’t forgotten about it,
Let’s see! On the planet

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @pedrononiwa!

Smash!! Flash!! Splash!!

Stay stream,
When I know you,
Maybe another way,
He said,
I cross like you,
But maybe another way,

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @pedrononiwa!

Swinging Circuit


曇りの空超えて 夜を超えて 星を数える
光りの窓開けて 虹をかけて 君を待ってる

[to the sky]*2

In the sunset 問いかけて
そっと忘れてた記憶へ streaming…

世界の窓開けて 願いかけて 星を集める
夢の先の世界 色を変えて 君にあずける

[to the sky]*2

In the sunset 問いかけて
そっと溢れ出す光りへ streaming…


Kumori no sora koete, yoru wo koete, hoshi wo kazoeru,
Hikari no mado akete, niji wo kakete, kimi wo matteru,

Kitto mirai no saki ni aru no kana,
To the sky, to the sky,
Itsuka kimi dake ni kikoeru,

In the sunset tooi kakete,
Kimi he no omoi todokeru,
Sotto wasureteta kioku he streaming…

Sekai no mado akete, negai kakete, hoshi wo atsumeru,
Yume no saki no sekai, iro wo kaete, kimi ni azukeru,

Sotto miageta sora ni aru no kana,
To the sky, to the sky,
Itsuka kimi dake ni hibiku yo,

In the sunset tooi kakete,
Kono sora wo watattemiru,
Sotto afuredasu hikari he streaming…

English Translation

I went beyond the cloudy sky, beyond the night, counting the stars,
I’ve opened the window of light, put on the rainbow, and I’m waiting for you,

I’m sure you must exist ahead of the future,
To the sky, to the sky,
One day I’ll be able to hear you,

In the sunset I begin to question,
Can I let you know my feelings?
Jumping into my fading memories, streaming…

Opening up the window to the world, making a wish, gathering the stars,
A world before dreams, colors changing, taken care by you,

I wonder if you’re there when I look up at the sky,
To the sky, to the sky,
Someday it will only resound through you,

In the sunset I begin to question,
If I’d try to cross the sky,
Through the slowly overflowing light, streaming…

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @pedrononiwa!



君の言葉数えて 僕の中に刻めば
忘れかけた記憶 取り戻せるはずさ きっと

君に届く想いは 夢の中に流れて
星空を探して 遠い空目指してく ずっと

僕らの先にね 流れてくshooting star
未来への願いを 胸に抱きしめて
星を数えて あの日のように 夢に問いかけて

昨日までの思いは 僕の中に消えてく
声にならない言葉を 探して続けてる そっと

僕らの先にね 流れてくshooting star
未来への願いを 胸に抱きしめて
星を数えて あの日のように 夢に問いかけて

Starting free, so let me free,
Starting free, set it free, (x8)


Kimi no kotoba kazoete, boku no naka ni kizameba,
Wasurekaketa kioku, torimodoseru hazu sa, kitto,

Kimi ni todoku omoi ha, yume no naka ni nagarete,
Hoshizora wo sagasite, tooi sora mezasiteku, zutto,

Bokura no saki ni ne, nagareteku shooting star,
Mirai he no omoi wo, mune ni dakishimete,
Hoshi wo kazoete, ano hi no you ni, yume ni toikakete,

Kinou made no omoi ha, boku no naka ni kieteku,
Koe ni naranai kotoba wo sagashi tuzuketeru, sotto,

Bokura no saki ni ne, nagareteku shooting star,
Mirai he no omoi wo, mune ni dakishimete,
Hoshi wo kazoete, ano hi no you ni, yume ni toikakete,

Starting free, so let me free,
Starting free, set it free, (x8)

English Translation

If I were to count your words and carve them within me,
I’m sure I’d be able to retrieve memories I’ve been forgetting about,

The feelings you were carrying are flowing within dreams,
Looking for the starry sky, aiming far beyond, no doubt,

It’s right before us, a shooting star going across,
We’re holding within us dreams for the future,
And while counting the stars, just like we used to, we begin to question our dreams,

My hopes for tomorrow are fading within me,
I’ll keep searching for the words I’m unable to speak, gently,

And it’s right before us, a shooting star going across,
We’re holding within us dreams for the future,
And while counting the stars, just like we used to, we begin to question our dreams,

Starting free, so let me free,
Starting free, set it free, (x8)

Lyrics provided in the comments section of this YouTube video, by user @pedrononiwa!


Magical 8bit Tour

子供のころ夢中で旅した 夢と魔法の国へと
チケットは売り切れ間近です おやつの準備もしなきゃね

ちいさな猫が順にご案内 鍵はなくさないようにね
焼きたてパンの船に乗って 空にこぎ出そう


大人の知恵とやさしい心で 今度は乗りこえられるよ
難しい謎もアイテムも お茶の子さいさいさい

パパパパ シャラララ

力まかせで人を傷つけた 子供のころとちがうよ

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!


こんなことばかり言うのも そろそろ終わりかな
天井の高いこの部屋で くるりと回ってる

パステルカラーのキャンディーは 悪魔のささやき

この嘘だらけの世界から あなたを救い出してゆく
ガラスとプラスチックの景色が こぼれ落ちてゆく

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!


夜も昼も あなたを思ってる
そんな馬鹿なセリフだって アリでしょ?
Oh My Da・・・Darling

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!


Your little pow シャバダシュビドゥバ
It's so cute  ドゥ・ディダ
Your little pow シャバダシュビドゥバ
It's so cute  Da Da

ゆらゆら ゆらゆら ゆれる長いしっぽ
そわそわ そわそわ おちつかないひげ

眠ったと思ったら 片目をあけて見てる
見てると思ったらもう そっぽを向いてる

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!


(This is the message from Alpha Centauri 44 light years away from the earth.
Sending the message from your sweetheart at Development Force)

キ コ エ マ ス カ?


空の向こう たしかに感じられるよ
今ここで起こってるよ 知らない間に


Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!

Tetrominon ~From Russia with Blocks~

角のホテルの マフィアの会議
折れないヒラメ いらつくゴリラ
チャイナドレスの 貴婦人が言う

ナイフが光る 脳味噌は錆びる
バニラ風味で ごまかされてる
右か左か 左か右か
決めたところで That's the way it goes

The blocks from Russia are falling down
to make your brain messed up with mysteries
It's hard to perceive, easy to destroy
like your life itself

The blocks from Russia are falling down
You got to put them all into a square box
eliminating a piece of Tetrominon

残る議題も ついに決裂
牛歩戦術 苺のタルト
脚線美なら とうに用済み

摩天楼より 砂上の楼閣
団子と花と マルコフニコフ
右か左か 左か右か
決めたところで That's the way it goes

From Russia are falling down
to make your brain messed up with mysteries
It's hard to perceive, easy to destroy
like your life itself

The blocks from Russia are falling down
You got to put into a box
gathering and eliminating a piece of Tetrominon

From Russia are falling down
messed up with mysteries it's....

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!






まわる まわるよ 回転木馬
まわる まわるよ 回転木馬

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!

Yellow, Magenta, Cyan and Black(YMCKのテーマ)

白と黒の2つの色だけが すべてを支配する世界から

Do you know the colors flowing out of your mind there?
You already know
It's yellow, magenta, cyan and black, and black

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!

Your Quest is Over

長く遠い 冒険の果て

ずっと歩いた この道には

空の深い青の その色をただ

いま ながいたびがおわり

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!


放課後 カバンに忍ばせた

嫌い・嫌い・嫌い 今を囲む景色が
怖い・怖い・怖い 誰かの言う未来が
希望・夢・思い そんな曖昧なものは宇宙のどこにある


いつかそこに行けたらと思っていた場所は どこだろう

嫌い・嫌い・嫌い 止まったままの自分が
怖い・怖い・怖い 進んでいく時間が
空・月・星 そんな果てないような存在に憧れた


いつかそこに行けたらと思っていた場所は どこだろう

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!

Les étoiles feat. MC8bit

Je vois les étoiles 輝く星を見つめて
J'atteins les étoiles 無限の世界を想う

無限のスペース 1つのビーンズ 手を合わせて祈るように
追いかけた異国の地 手を繋げばひとっ飛び
君を見つけた偶然の瞬間に 光灯せば永遠の空間に
又広がり始める想像のチップ 奏でるイメージのフローにKISS
抱き合えば未来を歌う 新たな恵みのメロディーを降らす
傘もささずに打たれ踊る 広い宇宙に涙零す

流れる時代は普通に 描く信じる隣の宇宙人

飛び込んだ宇宙の果て そこは明日の無数の影
違う明日を探してる 又明日の明日へ騙してく
空を見上げりゃきりがなく 広がる未来に日々は去る
コスモスカラーの世界に 呼びがける未来との出会いを



Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!

Unspeakable feat. Mega Ran

I got a letter from the government, the other day
i opened and read it, it said they were fed up
the payments aint coming how we - want it
IRS liked it cause they put a lien on it
man ,someday i gotta- win
went outside to get a little some oxygen
hoppin in my hyundai, taking a ride
Flashing Lights, (woop) I’m getting stopped again
lemme guess, yo, I fit a description
like its a tradition to gimme affliction
hop on twitter to put em on blast
but i got no service cause my payment lapsed
just when I thought i couldn’t get more stressing
looked up and saw the results of the election
now i need some healthy expression
I call up brian to schedule me a session
usually he gets me hooked up,
but this time, nope, appears he’s all booked up
nights like this I wanna give up the fight
but when times get tight, and ya wanna take flight
gotta remember a blessing is in sight
after the storm in comes the sunlight
I smile really wide, and stand upright
something tells me it’ll be alright

I got joy - un speakable - (speakable)
and I won’t let you bring me down... bring me down...
I’ve got peace - unexplainable (explainable)
and I’m gone spread it all around (all a round)

These hate infested tyrants steady spreading the virus
i'm looking for heaven I saw a purple iris
that gotta be a sign, of hope to come,
a wise man once sung, fly to the sun.
So I keep my head high and try to just maintain...
or else I might lose it am I going insane?.....
No I'm not, I got a faith you can't break
just hold my hand, I'll help us move forward like you can't skate,
wait, how you still got this love to give?
cuz while you living to die, I was dying to live
for a purpose, when life proclaimed you gone be worthless
Earth'a unify when we look beyond the surface
thank you for your service, me and Ran got it from here
tough job but the strong perseveres...
Know it's hard smile among the tears...
I hope you heed our words, they all sincere...
& We gone find a way, up outta here.... I'm outta here. Peace!

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!

ミラクルグラヴィティ feat. Robotprins







Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!

We're the circus

We're the circus that can bring you a fun
We're the circus that can rule the world
心を奪うExciting show
So come on!

It's so amazing
Everyone wants to know


Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!


flying, flying , flying

flying, flying , flying



secret, secret, secret

secret, secret, secret


Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!


心を無にしてStop Thinking




今こそ問うべき この世の中に
たった一つの この真実


Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!



「Be brave」






Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!

Wild Wild Caravan




★Ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya
We're the circus of the freedom
We gonna share this moment with you all



We're the circus of the freedom
We got to share this moment with you all
Ya ya ya ya
Ya ya ya ya

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!


この世の果ての 果ての果てまで
探し求めたこの 驚きの種
今この場所で 咲き乱れます
あなたのその目で とくと御覧ください

さあ ご注目

さあご覧に入れましょう 素敵な世界
さあ出かけましょう 不思議な旅へ
楽しみましょう サーカスの奇跡

この世の果ての 果ての果てまで
噂轟くは 我らがサーカスショー

Lyrics provided on the official website, so they are 100% accurate!

Be sure to visit this page again! It's being updated all the time.