Welcome to "Static Mosaic", my own (kinda) visual novel! Okay, perhaps it's more of a "text-adventure" kinda thing, just with character images and stuff. I've actually been wanting to do something like this for a long time, but I've never really known how to without taking up heaps of my website's files. So I decided on text files within iframes. It will still take up some space, but I have plenty to spare, honestly. Anyway, to get to different pages, simply click the little arrow(s) below this frame, and they'll take you to different sections of the story. Also, if you ever forget what a character's name is, you can hover over their image when it's on screen, and their name will show up! This game includes autoplay music, so make sure to mute this page if you don't want any of that. Oh, and it's probably best to play this with your browser window in fullscreen if you can.