Star comes outside to properly greet you. She has her hair up in two spiky pigtails, and she's wearing a short black dress, which, in itself, is a rare occurrence. "You look nice." Heart says. "Oh... Well..." Star mutters, her face going slightly pink. "It's about time I messaged Flower, don't you think?" You ask. Star nods. "Yeah! Use lots of exclamation marks so they know it's going to be awesome." She says. "She." Heart says, correcting Star. Star nods. "Gotcha." You say, taking your shiny black flip-phone out of your pocket and opening it up. "come round 2 stars place!! shows starting real soon!!! gonna be rad B)" You type out. You hold your phone up so that Star can see. She nods in approval. "Perfect." She says, grinning. You send the message, and before long, Flower shows up on her mint-green scooter.