"Good evening everyone." Flower says, stepping away from her parked scooter. Everyone greets her. "We're almost ready," Star says impatiently, "Saw and Sine, my bandates, are having a bit of trouble with our speaker." From within the house, a harsh, metallic buzzing sound can be heard. It's very loud, but it soon stops. "I think it's something to do with Saw trying to plug his phone into it once," Star explains, "And it's never sounded the same ever since." "That's a shame." Heart says, "Do you think I could have a look at it once your show is over?" She asks. "Oh, that would be great!" Star says, "Yes, please!" "Star! We're ready!" Sine calls out. "Got it!" Star yells. She gives you, Flower and Heart a thumbs up, before heading inside. You all follow her. Inside of Star's house, it's abundantly clear that her band, "Precious Memories", didn't have much of a budget. You first notice this when you see that Star, Saw and Sine are just standing on a circular rug in the living room. They've set up a bunch of strings of colourful lights on the walls, with a cheap, plug-in disco light replacing the actual light bulb on the ceiling. Though they have good equipment, Saw's laptop is sitting on one of the antique, wooden end tables in Star's living room. There's an identical one mere metres away from you. Sine is tightly gripping his guitar, and it seems as though the cable from it to the speaker on the right is a bit too short, as he's standing awkwardly behind it. Star is standing at the front, just behind her microphone stand. "Hey everyone!" She says, testing the microphone out. "Hello!" Heart says, making Star laugh. "This is our first live show!" Star says, "Well, technically second, but we don't talk about that." Star looks back at Saw, and he nods. "We're Precious Memories, Made up of Sine,"--She points to an awkward-laughing Sine--"Saw,"--She points to Saw, who waves nervously--"And me, Star! You might even call me the... Star of the show?" You laugh; not because of how funny Star is, but because of how hard she's trying. "Okay, you know what?" Star says, "I'm not going to tell you what songs we're playing tonight! I'm just going to say one thing: One of these songs is a cover!" Star looks back at Saw and Sine once more, and they both nod. "One, two, three, four!" Star yells, and Saw clicks something on his laptop. The music begins playing, and you immediately recognise the melody. You realise that you've definitely heard Star humming this before. Once she begins singing, you have a hard time telling what she's singing about. You're sure she's singing in English, however, the way she pronounces each word sounds... Alien. And the awful-sounding speaker doesn't help. Even so, you're able to make out a few words, "Woman", "Cosmos", and "Real", but not much else. Through the bad audio quality, you can still sense Star's enthusiasm. She paces back and forth across the "stage" area, waving her arms in the air, pulling exaggerated facial expressions. She keeps this up for three more songs, but by the fourth and final one she seems to be getting a bit tired. Once finished, Star sits down on one of the floral-patterned couches in the living room. You, Flower and Heart all sit beside her. "Good job!" Heart says, "You're really great at performing, Star." "Thank you." Star says. "Can I get you a glass of water?" Flower offers. Star nods.