~ One day later ~ You're hanging out at Flower's house. She invited you round for afternoon tea, wanting to speak to you about something. You sit at a circular, white table on her porch, on a matching white stool. The sun is shining, it's very warm, and the sky has almost no clouds in it. Flower's, uh, flower gardens, surround the porch, their petals vibrantly-coloured, and their pollen making your allergies act up. Though you're happily eating one of the biscuits that Flower had brought out on a rose-patterned china plate, she seems to be taking a while to make the tea. She finally comes outside, placing a teacup in front of you, and a teacup opposite you. She carefully pours you a cup of tea, seemingly berry-flavoured, and she does the same with her cup. Flower sits down at her spot at the table. "What did you want to speak to me about?" You ask. "Hmm... It's very important, and I'm not sure whether you would believe me," Flower says, "But I called you because I thought you would understand what I'm going to talk about." "What's that supposed to mean?" You ask. "Actually... Perhaps not..." Flower mutters under her breath. "Okay, okay. Please tell me." You say. "There's something strange happening to me." Flower says. "What type of strange?" You ask. "I'm unsure..." Flower says, "Might I show you?" "Sure." You say. Flower suddenly leans in, so much so that your face and hers are now very close to one another. She stares intently into your eyes. You look down, and see that her thumb and index finger are pressed against one another. Flower then sits back up straight, closely looking at her hand. She tries to pull her thumb and index finger apart, but they seem to be stuck, as though they are securely glued in place. After a bit of struggle, Flower manages to pry them apart. She looks behind her. As if by magic, an oval-shaped black object appears behind her. You immediately stand up to look at it closer, and Flower follows you. It seems to be paper-thin, and visible from only one side. Small puffs of smoke rise from its jagged edges, but they quickly disappear. "What..." You stare at the object in awe. "What is that?" You ask. "I'm not entirely sure." Flower says. She refrains from touching it, but you don't. You reach out with one hand, and with a hissing sound, your hand goes right through. Concerned, you quickly pull it back out, but upon noticing that it has done no damage to your arm, you put your hand inside it again. You look around the other side, and it doesn't seem like your hand appears at the back of the object. "Are you finished yet?" Flower asks. You sheepishly nod. "I think it's like a portal." You say. "Are you sure?" Flower asks. "No," You say, "But I'm having a hard time thinking of many other things that act like this does." You gesture to the maybe-portal. "Interesting." Flower says, "Perhaps if you were more prepared, you may be able to go inside entirely." "Maybe." You say. A thought comes to you. "Would it be okay for me to tell Star and Heart about this?" You ask. "I suppose so." Flower says, "Yes."