A bit later, you're sitting with Star, Flower, and Heart at a picnic table, outside a small shop in town. "What is it?" Star asks impatiently. "It would be better for me to show you," Flower says. She looks across at you. "However, Diamond invited us to a store. In public." "Sorry!" You say, crossing your arms, "But I thought it would be nice to buy some ice-cream." "It IS nice," Heart says, holding her lemonade-flavoured ice-block to her chest. "But if it's private, perhaps you should've thought ahead a bit more." "Okay..." You mutter. "Flower, would it be okay for us to head over to my house?" Heart asks. "Alright." Flower says, standing up and adjusting her t-shirt. You all stand up and walk down the footpath to Heart's house.