You're now inside of Heart's house, specifically her bedroom. There's a pile of plushies in one of the corners, and there are many more sitting on the shelves on her walls, which have been sloppily painted a light shade of pink. You sit beside Flower on Heart's bed, which is covered in a butterfly-themed comforter, and a pillow with a matching pillowcase. "Alright," Heart says, sitting cross-legged on the carpeted floor of her room, beside Star. "Flower, please demonstrate... Whatever it is you were wanting to show us." Flower does the same thing as before: She presses her thumb and index finger together, they stick, and she pries them apart. This time, though, she closes her eyes, and the maybe-portal she creates is stationed not behind her, but on the wall to her left. Star and Heart have a similar reaction to it that you had, cautiously looking at it, before sticking their hands inside of it. "Woah, what IS this?" Star asks Flower, "And how did you find out that you could do it?" "I'm unsure as to what this is exactly," Flower says, "But the idea and process of it came to me in a dream, and when I woke up, I immediately attempted it." "That's really cool!" Heart says, "Maybe our dreams DO have some sort of meaning. Yours, anyway." "Perhaps." Flower says. "What would happen if someone was to go completely inside?" Star asks. "I'm not sure..." Flower says. "Flower suggested that one of us go inside, but we'd need some special equipment for it." You say. "Why?" Star asks. "What if one of us fell inside?" Heart says, turning to face Star, "Who knows what's in there? We'd need... Oh I don't know, an escape rope or something! Where do we get one of those?" "I think you're forgetting that my dad runs a store that sells stuff EXACTLY like that..." Star says. "Oh! Then could you get a hold of some for us, Star?" You ask. "Uhh, I guess so." She says. "I think you're all neglecting to think about something." Flower says. She lifts her index finger into the air, placing everyone's attention on herself. "And what is that?" Star asks, raising an eyebrow. "What if there is NOTHING inside the portal?" Flower asks, "What if it isn't a portal at all? You all seem to think that we're living in a storybook or a video game, where portals will always transport you to magical places. How do you know that going inside that thing won't do immense damage to your bodies or minds? How can you be certain that, even with an escape rope, you will be able to safely exit it?" "You..." Star sighs, "You're right. But what if there IS actually something inside? Something really great?" Flower sighs this time. "Well I'm not going in." She concludes. "That's alright!" Heart says, "We'll make sure we're as prepared as we can be! Right, Star? Diamond?" She glances around at you and Star. With hesitation, you both give her a slightly wary thumbs-up.