~ One Day Later ~ You're in town with your friends. After taking a lot of detours to second-hand stores in search for new costumes, you, Heart and Star have arrived at "Metal Ribbon Tools", a hardware store owned by Star's dad. You enter through a pair of noisy, sliding doors, covered in tacky posters advertising sales, utilising all manner of unfitting, cartoon-y clipart. Inside the store, there are rows upon rows of white shelves, holding many different things, some of which seem as though they aren't supposed to be in a hardware store. "I wish Flower would cooperate with us a bit more..." Heart says, "She's the practical one out of all of us. She thinks of everything!" "Don't worry. You said we'd be 'as prepared as WE can be'," Star says, "Not 'as prepared as SHE can be'." "It's not that..." Heart says. "Yeah, I'm not sure it's about us proving Flower wrong, so much as it is about us not dying." You say. "Ah. Right." Star says. You scavenge through every shelf for things that might help you with your journey. "I think we need a basket." Heart says, after accidentally dropping a bright green rope, a large hook, a can of paint thinner, and a pair of childrens' swimming goggles on the floor. "More like a financial advisor." You say, glaring at Star. In defence, she crosses her arms, saying, "You can never be too prepared." After a while of negotiating with Star, you purchase only the things you're sure are going to be useful, and leave. As you walk down the footpath back to Heart's house, each of you carrying shopping bags full of different things, Star asks you something. "What do you guys think will be inside?" She says. "I'm really not sure," Heart says, "Though I've been a bit worried about the possibility that it might teleport us somewhere on Earth that's completely different, and we'd have no way to get back." "Me too," Star says, "What about you, Diamond?" "Though that could happen, I've been leaning towards Flower's speculations about it." You explain, "Specifically, there being nothing inside of it." "Really?" Star says, "It kinda makes sense, but I don't think it's true. Well, at least I don't want it to be true." Star laughs. "Aren't you excited about there being some weird, other dimension inside?" She asks, "It could be awesome!" "I'm not sure..." Heart says.