As you step inside the portal, tightly gripping Heart's hand, you feel a strange, cool breeze. It takes a while for your eyes to adjust to the bright light that envelops you, but when they do, you see that everything is covered in a soft, static-like haze. Large, abstract shapes in pastel colours overlap the mint-green void that you find yourself in. Surprisingly, though, you see that below you is a platform, and with every wary step you take, it launches more and more tiny bubbles from its surface. "How strange." Heart remarks. She walks in a circle, and admires the colourful sheen of the bubbles that appear. You notice a staircase that descends into a mass of mint-green fog, and point at it. "I think she might have gone down there." You say. Heart nods. "There aren't many other places for her to have gone." She says. You walk down the staircase, and notice that the fog smells strangely sweet. There's a light-purple door ahead of you, and you immediately open it. On the other side, stands someone you have never seen before.