Triangle leads you and Heart through multiple different purple doors, and at the end, you find Star. She's sitting in an armchair, in a room with light-orange walls, a potted plant in one of the corners. "Star!" Heart exclaims upon seeing her. "Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" She asks her. "I'm fine!" Star says, "I just got lost, and thought that staying put would be the best idea." "That's good." Heart says, turning to face Triangle. "We're very grateful for your help." "I'm just doing my job..." Triangle says, "But thank you." "How do we get out of here?" You ask. "Yeah... I didn't really think about that." Heart says. "Don't worry. That's part of my job as well." Triangle explains, "Just follow me to the exit." Triangle then leads the three of you to a room with a hole in the ceiling. Within the hole, it is pitch-black, and there's a grey ladder leading up to it. "Just climb up that ladder, and I can assure you that it'll spit you out... Somewhere near where you entered Static Mosaic." Triangle explains. "What do you mean?" You ask. "Well, there used to be exits all over the world, but as we stopped getting visitors, most of the exits now cease to exist." Triangle says. "Okay..." Heart mutters. "But, um, yeah." Triangle says, "It should be close enough. I can sense it." One by one, you, Star and Heart all exit "Static Mosaic" through the mysterious hole in the ceiling.