You seem to exit Static Mosaic through a manhole. Or, rather, a fake one. The cover is easy to push up from beneath it, but it seems to be impossible to lift it from above. It's night time. Street lights flicker, and cast golden yellow light onto the footpath. You can hear crickets and cicadas noisily chirping, and you spot even more dragonflies hovering around bushes and flowers. "That was really weird." Star says. "Maybe we should tell someone about this." You suggest. Both Star and Heart shake their heads. "I think something's going on," Heart says, "And if we want to figure out what, I don't think we should get authorities involved." "And there's a good chance they won't believe a word we tell them." Star says, laughing. "True." You say. You all walk down the footpath, side by side, and deep in thought. You continue like this for a while. "Hey, Heart, can I stay at your place tonight?" You ask, breaking the silence. "Sure! I don't think my parents would mind." Heart says, "They like you a lot, Diamond." "Can I come, too?" Star asks. "Of course!" Heart says. So you all head home to grab a spare change of clothes, and spend the night at Heart's house.