As you take a step inside Heart's house, you're comforted by the warm glow of the fireplace in the living room. All of the lights have been turned off, and the curtains are closed; most likely because Heart's parents are already asleep. "Should we sleep in the living room, or my bedroom?" Heart asks. "The living room." Star says, "It'll be too much work to pull a mattress or whatever into your room." You nod. "Fair," Heart says, picking up the TV remote, "Do you guys want to watch a movie?" "Damn. I should've brought my DVD collection with me." You say, "I've got some great movies." "There's plenty of summer holiday left to watch them, Diamond." Star says, placing her hand on your shoulder, "I brought some, though." Star picks up her embroidered backpack and dumps its contents onto the carpet. She grabs a small flashlight from her pocket, and shines it on the pile of miscellaneous Star-belongings. "Why not just turn on the lights?" You ask her, raising an eyebrow. Star jokingly shines her flashlight at your face, making your eyes hurt. "No. We have to commit to the theme." She says. "What theme?" Heart asks. "Nevermind." Star says, "Anyway, check this out!" She rummages around, and picks up a particular DVD. On its cover is a girl wearing a pink dress, walking her dog, with the Eiffel Tower in the background. The girl and the dog are surrounded by pink and purple fairies. "Uh... What's so special about it?" Heart asks. "I got it second-hand... for 3 dollars!" Star exclaims. "That's probably because the people selling it didn't want it anymore," Heart explains, "And they desperately wanted to get rid of it." "Nah." Star says. She picks up a different DVD. On the cover of this one is a girl wearing a big, blue-and-pink dress, decorated with lots of peacock feathers. She's surrounded by a few strange-looking animal friends. "Let me guess... You got this one for 3 dollars as well?" You ask. "2." Star says, "When I was buying it, I realised that I was one dollar short of getting 3 DVDs, but the lady at the counter let me have this one for 2 instead of 3." "Lovely." Heart says. You're unsure whether she's being sarcastic or not. Star laughs. "Uh... Wait, do you actually HAVE a DVD player?" She asks Heart. "Of course! Everyone does!" Heart says. "Okay, okay." Star says. She picks up a third DVD. "What's that?" Heart asks. "It's about a group of highschool girls who form a band." Star explains, "It's in Japanese, but my copy has subtitles. I'm... I'm not sure whether it's official, though." "It sounds interesting, actually." Heart says. "Yeah, was that the one with the Korean exchange student?" You ask. "Mhm! She's forced to sing in Japanese, even though she barely understands it." Star explains. Star carefully takes the disk out of its case, and places it inside Heart's DVD player. You all watch the movie. It's strangely quiet and atmospheric for what it is. About 30 minutes in, Star has begun to get bored. "I forgot how many breaks I had to take in order to finish watching this." Star says. "Hey, I like it." Heart says. You nod in agreement. "So... What do you guys think Flower's doing right now?" Star asks. "She's probably asleep!" You say, "Heart, the time?" "Oh God... It's, uh... 1:00 in the morning." Heart mutters. "It sure FEELS like it." You say. "Man..." Star says, "But what do you think Flower was doing earlier?" "She might have been gardening." You say, "Or playing the violin." "I think Flower mentioned something about visiting the cemetery." Heart says. "Doesn't she visit it, like, once a month?" Star asks. "Yeah. She brings fresh flowers from her garden to place on all of the graves," You explain, "Even the ones that aren't for people she knew, or was related to." "Huh." Star says, "Flower's weird, but I guess there's a reason why we keep her in our friend group." You continue watching the movie together in contemplative silence.