You wake up in a cold sweat, gasping, trying to get at least SOME air into your lungs. You look around you. Both Star and Heart seem to have left you, maybe to get some water, or go to the bathroom. You sigh in relief, wiping your forehead with your shirt sleeve. But... That isn't right. It's Summer, So why are you wearing long-sleeved pyjamas? You run to switch the lights on, but it doesn't work. Perhaps it's something to do with the part of town Heart lives in? Or maybe there's been a power outage in the night? You scavenge around for Star's flashlight, but when you find it, it too doesn't turn on. You open the door and rush outside, as you can see the streetlights are all on. As you're bathed in their light, you realise you're clad in a long, black gown that reaches the floor. It's lined with impossibly detailed black lace, and it seems simultaneously far too big, but also incredibly well-fitting. And then all of the streetlights explode, shattered glass falling all over the footpaths, leaving you in the dark.