As you awaken once more, you're unsure whether you're still dreaming or not. You grab Star's flashlight, switching it on. It works! You go to switch the ceiling lights on, and they work as well. "Mmm... What's going on...?" Star mutters, rolling over. She opens her eyes a bit. "Sorry!" You whisper. You flick the lights back off. "Don't worry... About turning the lights back... Off..." Star says, "I'm already awake, and Heart'll wake up, too..." You turn the lights on again. Heart sits up, rubbing her eyes. "Oh, good morning, Diamond." She says, "Are you alright?" "I... Think so?" You say. "Why'd you turn on the light?" Star asks, a bit annoyed. "I was... Scared I was still dreaming." You say. "Do you have trouble sleeping, Diamond?" Heart asks. "If it's really bothering you, I think there's some sort of medicine you can take, or something." "No, it's just this one time." You say. "That's good." Heart nods. Now you're sure that you're awake. You sit down on the floor again, where you and your friends had laid out blankets and mattresses, and made big piles of pillows and plushies. The TV in front of you is still displaying the screensaver that appeared after you had finished watching your movie. Star notices you looking at it, and says, "Man, we'll never know whether that logo touched the corner or not last night." Heart laughs, saying, "Aren't you worried about Diamond?" "Hey, everyone gets nightmares." Star shrugs, "Oh, did you guys like the movie?" "Well... The ending was cute," Heart says, "But I barely remember anything else." "Yeah, it WAS pretty boring at times," You say, "And it was already late when we started watching it." "Eh, that's true." Star says. Star gets up, stretching her arms. And it's then that you notice something strange. There seem to be two sets of large, dark green dragonfly wings on her back, that flutter as she moves. Heart seems to have noticed them, too, but it's as though she doesn't know what to say. Then you notice that Heart has a pair, too; they're a soft pink colour. And you do as well.