"Alright. What could've caused this?" Star asks, once you have all calmed down. "Well, other than Static Mosaic, we haven't been anywhere or done anything else that's remotely as 'magical'," You say, "So it's probably because of Static Mosaic." "Is just being there enough to make us grow dragonfly wings, though?" Star says. "Apparently." Heart says. "There have been a lot of dragonflies flying around this year." She says, "Perhaps it's something to do with that." "The dragonflies come out every Summer, though!" Star says, "We live right next to a huge river!" "Yeah, but there have definitely been more recently." Heart explains. "And Star, you don't need to make it MORE obvious that you don't go outside very much." Star frowns. "Maybe we should talk to Triangle again," You suggest, "She might know what's going on." "Ugh, I don't want to visit Static Mosaic right now." Star says, running her fingers through her hair, "It felt like I had been teleported to a different planet." "It's a bit difficult," Heart says, "Because, well... What if we're in danger? Or these wings are a sign that we're about to die or something?" Star shudders. "But Static Mosaic is really weird, and difficult to traverse. What if we're unable to find Triangle at all? How would we leave?" Heart asks, pacing back and forth. "Mhm, it might have been pure chance that we had found Triangle in the first place." You say. Star gets up, spreading her wings out. She seems conflicted. "These things are really pretty," She says, "But people are going to freak out if they see them." "Hmm... Hold on..." Heart mutters. She grabs a notebook from a shelf, and a pen with a pompom on the top. The notebook is pink and fuzzy. Heart begins sketching something out. Star leans over to look at it, and you do the same. It seems to be some kind of clothing item, used to keep your wings held behind you and out of sight. "What's that?" Star points to a strange-looking mechanism on one side. "It's used for tightening it. On the other side..." Heart pauses to sketch something else, "There will be a way to instantly release it." She slams her notebook shut. "I'm going to need a few hours. And a volunteer to try it out." Heart says, "Star?" "What? Oh, yeah, sure!" Star says. "I should get going, then." You say, picking up your pillow and backpack, "Good luck!"