So... What IS Static Mosaic? I'd describe it as a "not-so-visual novel". You have the big text box in the middle, which is occasionally replaced with character images (which are similar to CGs in traditional visual novels), and static images of characters that stay at the sides and appear whenever they are featured in the scene (ALSO similarly to visual novels). I think the big difference is that the text box is more prominent, and there are no background images. I wanted Static Mosaic to be primitive by design. It uses a lot of old-web background and GIFs, most of which have been torn straight from Gifcities or other old websites. I'm a huge fan of maximalism and mixed-media in games (but you can hear more about THAT in the "INSPIRATIONS" page!) and I like stuff that's simple and easy to play, but also dense with symbolism and meaning, all that stuff. I'm not saying that Static Mosaic is or isn't either of those things, but that I take inspiration from things that are. That being said, Static Mosaic doesn't require the player to actually make any choices. You're just reading text box after text box. However, I don't think this is all that bad; while they aren't in abundance, there are a handful of visual novels that also don't require player input. Just enjoy the story, man! I, Cydthezombie, have made various different visual novels before (All written in second-person, strangely enough!). I learned how to make them in Google Slides a few years ago, and though that's REALLY not the right program(?) to make VNs in, I successfully finished making 2 of them. Friendship Crystals and ZLEEPOVERZ, ah yes. They were surreal, strange, "weirdcore" inspired experiments with loads of characters, nonsensical, dreamlike environments and plots, and I loved them so much that I showed them to everyone I knew! But I knew I wanted more... That's why I've started working on Static Mosaic! It has an original soundtrack, better visuals, and it doesn't lag a whole lot whenever you start playing it. It's all I could ever want!