Pitcher56 - Green Cart

2023/2024 Summer Photo Diary

I've recently found a cute little camera (my Panasonic LUMIX DMC-LS80, from 2008) and I've been taking photos with it a bit more often!! I thought I would challenge myself by trying to take a photo every day of the summer, so I've made this page to keep all of them on! Keep in mind, I live in the southern hemisphere, so my summer is made up of December, January and February.


(01/12/2023) (02/12/2023) (03/12/2023) (04/12/2023) (05/12/2023) (06/12/2023)
a city pigeon showed up at our house! very strange... we're certain it's an nz racing pigeon. (Day description) (Day description) (Day description) (Day description) (Day description)
(07/12/2023) (08/12/2023) (09/12/2023) (10/12/2023) (11/12/2023) (12/12/2023)
(Day description) (Day description) (Day description) (Day description) (Day description) (Day description)